How to select a Mobile app for your business?


Reading Time: 4 minutes Mobile is the perfect example of what is enabling economic growth in the technology section. – Max Levchin As the above quote says, mobile apps and technology are all over the place. Today mobile apps … Read more

Project Management with Expenses Application

managing expenses

Reading Time: 2 minutes The Expenses software in OfficeClip is designed to track all your Project expenses. It will manage all the costs incurred by your team and give an overview of the Project budget and actuals. Features: Few … Read more

How follow up will improve your sales?

customer support

Reading Time: 4 minutes   An efficient follow-up strategy is crucial to increase sales and boost revenue. Follow-up with existing customers will help to sell more, consequently follow-up with leads will increase conversion and referrals. Follow-up is not only … Read more

Service Desk and its importance

resolve issues with support desk

Reading Time: 3 minutes What is a Service Desk? Developing software is a very challenging process. With every software release, there are chances of some bugs or issues cropping up, which hinders the smooth usage of the software. There … Read more

A detailed guide on how to use OfficeClip Timesheet

Timesheet guide

Reading Time: 9 minutes This guide contains step-by-step instructions on using a timesheet. An initial setup for the timesheet will make the time tracking process smoother. It includes steps right from setting up new users in the system to … Read more

What are the best practices for tracking Time?

Managing time wisely

Reading Time: 3 minutes “Time is at once the most valuable and the most perishable of all our possessions.” John Randolph People spending their time wisely on projects are indirectly contributing to the organization’s productivity and increasing profitability. The … Read more

How OfficeClip helps to track time for Tasks?

Managing time with tasks

Reading Time: 3 minutes OfficeClip has introduced an advanced track time feature for its Task manager. Tracking time for each task will help the employee give an insight into how effective they are while at work and will help … Read more