The OfficeClip developer API provides the maximum flexibility to customize or create new applications. Plenty of walkthroughs with complete source code are available in the toolkit. Some of the documents with the developer API include:
- API documentation of the entire business layer for all applications.
- API documentation for the entire data access layer for all applications.
- API documentation for the entire utility layer.
- A number of walkthroughs are available to help any developer change the OfficeClip functionality by modifying the source code.
- Many productivity tools like theme creator etc. are included
- Complete Presentation Layer sources.
- Logical and Physical Data Models.
Using the Developer API requires an understanding for the .Net framework and working experience with using VB.Net, C#, or any other managed code. Provided below is the documentation of the OfficeClip Developer API.
Developer Samples
Uncompress the sample in the OfficeClip root application folder (c:\program files\officeclip\9\officeclip if you have installed OfficeClip in the default location). See the readme.txt file for more information.