Tracking time for a business is an essential factor. But management has to ensure that the time tracking runs smoothly as per the guidelines set by the organization. Sometimes people forget to track their time; timesheets are not submitted on time or time entered is less than the required value. Inadvertent or deliberate errors can become more costly as these progress through the workflow. For example, employees are required to work at least 8 hours per day in an organization. The timesheet software needs to catch this error before timesheet is submitted.
The OfficeClip Timekeeping program provides rules in timesheet to check various conditions. These rules flag an error or warning to the timesheet submitter. If a warning is flagged, the submitter is warned, and the timesheet is allowed to submit. The same warning is flagged to the authorized individual who approves the timesheet. If an error is flagged, the timesheet is not allowed to be submitted.
Add Rules for a Timesheet

Figure: Edit rules for timesheet
Rules that can be set for a timesheet are:
- Check the total Hours of the timesheet.
- Check the total hours worked in a day.
- Check the total hours worked for the entire period.
- Check if one of the columns is left empty.
- Check if a negative time is entered in the timesheet.
Benefits of setting up rules in timesheet:
- Rules will help to regulate the entries and approvals of the timesheet.
- It will ensure smooth tracking of time as per organizational guidelines.
- Rules prevents the submission of the timesheet with errors.