Timesheet Reporting provides the necessary information to make important business decisions. It helps to give an overview and helps to analyze the overall employee performance, project budget, employee utilization, timesheet details, timesheet tasks, DCAA audits, the cost incurred and hours spent on a project, etc.
Reporting system in OfficeClip will help the users to identify the areas of strength and weakness while working on a project and will help to take corrective action accordingly.
Types of Reports

Figure: OfficeClip Reports
OfficeClip timesheet has various in-built reports. These reports will help to analyze:
- Employee performance
- Employee utilization for a project
- Status of a project
- Tasks performed by employees on a project
- Employee work details
- Billing summary for a client for a particular project
- Labor distribution
These in-built reports will provide all the essential information to the management and will help them to take proper decisions and evaluate employee performance.
Creating Reports

Figure: Creating a New Report
In addition to the in-built reports, OfficeClip reporting system can build Custom reports. With custom reports, users can create reports as per the business requirement. In this mode, the user can select the kind of report, select and configure the fields, select groupings, assign permissions for a report and select filter where he can select the date range, users, projects, timesheet with different status.
Schedule Reports

Figure: List of Scheduled Reports
Scheduling is a convenient way to automate the distribution of reports to users at regular intervals. Reports in OfficeClip can be scheduled at a daily, weekly, monthly or on yearly basis. Once the report is scheduled the user keeps on getting required information at pre-determined intervals.
Share Reports

Figure: Sharing Reports
Reports in timesheet can be shared with the customers in a restricted form. What is shared depends on the filters selected by administrators, so the users can view only the data which they are allowed to access. Reports can be shared in two ways:
- Web Link: is a public share, where anyone in the organization can access the reports with the URL shared.
- Secured Link: is secured access. With this link, the users have to log in and enter the password and then only they can view the report.
Export Reports

Figure: Export Reports
Reports can be exported in PDF, Excel, and Word format. While viewing a report the user can use filters so that he can view the data as per his requirements.
Benefits of Reporting System:
- Reports help to monitor operations within the company and understand functional areas.
- Timesheet reports allow the manager to review the situation and take corrective actions.
- It helps to improve decision making and efficiency within the organization.
- It helps to regulate and evaluate the performance of employees.
- Regular reporting helps to view expenditure clearly, and this will help to manage your budget.